
The DIA-logical Project

Anti-racist education and support work represent a crucial area in the deconstruction of racist structures and raising awareness about them within society.

But how can intersectionalities, power dynamics, privileges, and structural disadvantages among actors and participants in anti-racist work be reflected upon and discussed in different contexts?

It is against this backdrop that the joint project DIA-logical: Dialogue, Intersectionality, Allyship – Rethinking Anti-Racism! has been launched by ARIC-NRW e.V., Iriba-Brunnen e.V., Münster; MOZAIK gGmbH, Bielefeld; and the Social Service for Muslim Women e.V., Cologne. DIA-logical aims to open up the anti-racist debate using a non-hierarchical and participatory approach and to address challenges such as power dynamics between different forms of racism, the recognition of migrant-situated knowledge about racism, or dealing with experiences of racism and the coping strategies of professionals.

Gefördert durch die Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung